Travelers to Panama have many options when flying from the USA. Several major cities have direct flights with others providing easy transfers through their hubs. Once you arrive in Panama, transportation within Panama City is widely available with Uber, which compared to US pricing is extremely cheap. Renting a car is also an option if you are comfortable with all the signage being in Spanish.
To arrange for a private airport transfer - send an email to gokosherpanama@gmail.com with the subject line "Airport Transfer Request" and the following information:
Full Name
Contact Phone Number
Number of travelers - Adults & Children
Date of Arrival
Airline & Flight Number (example: UA1021)
Estimated arrival time
Danny's Adventures
WhatsApp: +507 6615-4258
Email: dannywizel@me.com
Airport/Transportation/Sightseeing, Errands
English & Spanish
Ferries and Water Taxis provide regular service to many of the islands around Panama.
Taboga - TabogaExpress - www.tabogaexpress.com; - 30 Minute ride from Panama City
Pearl Islands - Contadora, Viveros, Saboga, Sonny Island Resorts - www.ferrypearlislands.com - about 1:45 ride from the Flamenco Island docks at the end of the Amadour Causeway.
Bocas Del Toro - 25 minute ride once you arrive at the Almirante port. Two main companies run boats every ½ hour to 1 hour.
Once in Bocas, Water Taxi is the main mode of transportation to get to the various beaches and attractions around the islands.
Camilo Georget Jole - Water Taxi Operator - WhatsApp: +507 6845-4839
Panama Sailing Tours - www.panamasailingtours.com
A number of airlines fly direct to Panama from the major hubs. You can connect through these points when leaving from other cities in the US and Canada.
United Airlines - (www.united.com) Newark Airport, Houston
Copa Airlines - (www.copaair.com) New York/JFK
American Airlines - (www.aa.com) Miami & Dallas
Delta - (www.delta.com) Atlanta
Spirit - (www.spirit.com Fort Lauderdale
Flights to some of the remote parts of Panama and islands depart from the Albrook Airport just outside the city.
AIR PANAMA (www.airpanama.com) services many of the distant destinations included on THINGS TO DO page.
SKY RIDE (https://app.skyride.city/) offers domestic private charters to many of Panama's most popular destinations outside of Panama City, including Pearl Islands, Bocas del Toro, Boquete and Rio Hato. They also offer some unique aerial tours to get a view of Panama City, the Panama Canal and more. To get the Go Kosher Panama discounted rates on charters and tours - send an email to gokosherpanama@gmail.com.
UBER is available from the airport and within Panama City only. Even with Surge Pricing the relative cost of an Uber is much cheaper than in the USA.
Most major car rental companies have locations in the airport and in Panama City. While you can reserve through any of the online travel portals, like Orbitz, Hotwire, etc., whose daily rates are very low, be prepared to pay anywhere from $18 - $25 per day for mandatory third party insurance even with Collision Damage Waivers from your credit card company.
Gas prices while not outrageous are higher in Panama than in the US.